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¿Qué es la medicina sistémica?

What is systemic medicine?

The visionary revolution that puts the human being at the center, the vision behind matter.

After what we have experienced in recent years, today more than ever it is said that conventional medicine is undergoing an intense readjustment and process. In conventional medicine, the doctor-patient relationship has been left in the background, either because of the flow of patients who are seen daily in consultations or because the disease is simply treated without first asking who the patient is, their circumstances and even personality. Taking this as a reference, systemic medicine studies people and not diseases, so it treats health problems from the root. It understands the human being as a unique system with all its parts interconnected and promotes the construction of comprehensive health. We enter into the answers to this search for the comprehensive well-being of the patient, as your ally to achieve it.

“If we want to improve outcomes to truly prevent and treat diseases, we need more accurate data, not just about the disease the patient has, but about who the person is as an individual,” explains Aránzazu Gómez y Vivanco, CEO of matter.

Systemic medicine is based on four fundamental principles for its practice:

  • The human being is a system.
  • The importance of individual pattern recognition.
  • Go to the cause of the disease and not just the symptoms.
  • Re-activate physiological processes.

Systemic medicine also studies human health or illness from five units:

  • Structural
  • Biochemistry
  • Biophysics
  • Psycho-emotional
  • Transcendental

In this way, it brings together the best of medicines and supplements, achieving a personalized treatment. Recent advances in genomics make it possible to know and even predict the unique response of individuals to certain climatic conditions, infections by microorganisms and even drugs and environmental toxins. Aránzazu also adds that “this new medical method takes personalization as its banner and takes advantage of modern medicine to direct the gaze at the individual, establishing an understanding not only of what is happening to them today, but of how any other disease can affect them.”

If you are interested in supplementation, you can take our Smart Test where you will receive a recommendation based on your needs and current health situation.

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